"Food Fix: How to Save Our Health, Our Economy, Our Communities, and Our Planet—One Bite at a Time" by Mark Hyman, M.D.

books Jun 29, 2023

Description: "What we eat has tremendous implications not just for our waistlines, but also for the planet, society, and the global economy. What we do to our bodies, we do to the planet; and what we do to the planet, we do to our bodies.

In Food Fix, #1 bestselling author Mark Hyman explains how our food and agriculture policies are corrupted by money and lobbies that drive our biggest global crises: the spread of obesity and food-related chronic disease, climate change, poverty, violence, educational achievement gaps, and more.

Pairing the latest developments in nutritional and environmental science with an unflinching look at the dark realities of the global food system and the policies that make it possible, 
Food Fix is a hard-hitting manifesto that will change the way you think about—and eat—food forever, and will provide solutions for citizens, businesses, and policy makers to create a healthier world, society, and planet."

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Hyman, M. (2020). Food fix: How to save our health, our economy, our communities, and our planet—one bite at a time. Little, Brown and Company.

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