The Purpose of Finding Purpose

blogs Jun 06, 2023

I recently completed an online University of Michigan course, Finding Purpose and Meaning in Life, presented by Vic Stretcher, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Health Behavior Health Education. It was a compelling course delivered by an equally captivating instructor and I emerged with a keener understanding of myself and more importantly, with a clear understanding of what I want to do with the remaining two decades – statistically speaking of course – of my life that remains (and, truth be known, if I blow the bell curve, I am good!)

This preamble established an early course requirement that tasked students to write a life purpose statement resulted in me crafting the following: “At this stage of my life - halfway into my sixth decade of trips around the Sun - my purpose is to spend my remaining time focused on bringing joy and happiness to those I love most, hope to those in need, and doing my most sincere part, regardless how small, to make the world a better place.”

I shared this statement with several people who know me both very intimately – some professionally and others, personally - and each very well. They all replied along a similar trajectory: “This sounds just like you” with a couple adding, “You have been like this forever.”

At first blush, I was flattered by this courtly feedback (after all, who does not appreciate a kind word…or two?) but after some candid introspective analysis, I realized their perspectives were likely skewed by the “George” that exists in 2023 and not influenced by the same-named person of a bygone era (read, most of my pre-Trellis Life Management professional carrier.)

While true for the last 43 years of my life I have spent in service to my country – three-plus decades in an Army uniform and 12 and some change as a Department of Defense civilian – and in the process have had a positive impact on individuals, organizations, and, in some cases nations, this came at great expense to my friends and more importantly, family. The number of birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, special occasions and, I am ashamed to admit, near-tragic events, I have missed or simply overlooked for the sake of the mission, is, in honest retrospect, sadly, unforgivable.

Relooking my purpose statement from above, in the past I have not focused on those I care about most. But, I will henceforth. This reorientation is a direct result of my decision in 2022 to establish a new purpose in life. To redefine who I am and more importantly, what I want the epitaph on my headstone to read. In part, “he loved, he cared, and he aspired to make a difference in the lives of all he touched.”

This is my purpose going forward. It is an acknowledgment I gleaned from Dr. Stretcher’s book, Life on Purpose: How Living for What Matters Most Changes Everything. After taking his remarkable class noted at the beginning of my narrative, I PURPOSELY ordered his book. I PURPOSELY read it. I PURPOSELY absorbed it. I PURPOSELY encourage you to do the same.

- George

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