When My Way is not Always the Best Way

blogs Jun 22, 2023

In the introduction to his groundbreaking manifesto, Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity, Peter Attia, M.D., writes about an epiphany he experienced at a pivotal point in his medical career noting “I realized we needed to approach the situation in an entirely different way with a different mindset and different set of tools.” I found this admission very relatable. Mind you, I am not a doctor – and, no, I have not stayed at a Holiday Inn Express! – but, nevertheless, at one juncture I also came to a similar realization regarding my own, at the time, struggling well-being.

For most of my adult life working out, extreme cardio and weight lifting to be exact, had always been my go-to remedy to neutralize stress in my life. It was also the activity that allowed me to maintain a relatively fit physique despite rarely being concerned about the harmful physiological impacts of the unhealthy foods and beverages I consumed with unbridled frequency. Fast food, sweets, wine, and pizza were my constant culinary companions. Slam a pepperoni with extra cheese thin-crust pie, chase it with a bottle of cabernet, and top it off with a sleeve of Oreos or a bag of M&Ms - no problem. Just add an extra 30 minutes to the morning workout and all is good.

Though, in retrospect, hardly the model of tonicity, I was in decent shape – better than average for my age group (no number here, just “mature” as a descriptor) – and I handled stressful situations very well (I had, after all, spent 31 years in the Army and survived multiple combat deployments.) Owing this all to my seven-day-a-week workout regime I thought I held the answer key. Unfortunately, as events would unfold, not only did I NOT hold it was not even within my immediate grasp.

Succumbing to chronic stress I experienced a cortisol overload. I was depleted to the point of mental debilitation. Add to this a physical calamity caused by an abundance of poor food choices and I developed severe metabolic dysfunction. I was rocketed into crisis mode. I needed to desperately find a new way to replace my old way of controlling my stress and maintaining physical and mental wellness.

So, with the guidance of a close friend, I did. I totally revamped my diet. Rather than completely excluding those foods I heretofore consumed in excess and abused my body with I instead learned to exercise careful moderation of them. Just as importantly, I began to replace bad foods with good foods and became a much more disciplined eater. I explored the gut-mind connection and wholly embraced embrace the concept of gut health.

Finally, I allowed myself to acknowledge and accept the criticality of techniques and practices – a portfolio that includes brain-mind-body practices, psychometric tools, coaching, and training – which irrefutably contribute to overall well-being and optimal performance. Now, the key that I mentioned earlier in this narrative as not being in my hand is so wedded to my being it is basically another appendage. An appendage that is constantly unlocking new doors leading to additional ways to continue the journey toward the realization of my boundless capacity.

- George

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